Our Brands
The Slashdot Media Portfolio
The Slashdot Media portfolio of online brands consists of leading authority sites in the technology, mobile phone/wireless, telecom & VoIP, business comparison shopping & review sectors. Serving over 30 million monthly viewers in over 100 countries, our powerful brands help site viewers make well-informed buying decisions through quality up-to-date content, user reviews and insights, and access to best-in-class technology solution providers.

Job Title
Information Technology | 54% |
Ops/Engineering | 32% |
EDU/Med/HR | 26% |
Sales/Mktg/Fin | 20% |
Decision Maker/Mgt. | 44% |
Influencer/Non-Mgt. | 35% |
C-Suite | 21% |
Company Size
10,000+ | 18% |
1,000 – 9,999 | 25% |
200 – 999 | 24% |
1-199 | 33% |
SourceForge is the world’s largest platform for IT and Business Decision Makers to research, compare, review, and adopt Open-Source & Commercial B2B Software and IT Solutions. Selling software or IT solutions? SourceForge helps sellers connect with millions of intent-driven buyers and influencers every day, all day.
Global Audience
20M monthly visitors – “Top 500 Most-Visited Websites on the Internet”
100M+ monthly page views
60M monthly software downloads

Job Title
Information Technology | 32% |
HR/Fin/Med/EDU | 27% |
Ops/Engineering | 17% |
Government | 10% |
Decision Maker/Mgt. | 42% |
Influencer/Non-Mgt. | 36% |
C-Suite | 21% |
Company Size
10,000+ | 38% |
1,000 – 9,999 | 22% |
200 – 999 | 12% |
1-199 | 28% |
Since 1997, Slashdot serves a loyal online global community of over 3.5 million monthly viewers featuring technology-centric news and opinion with discussion backed by professional insight, polls, and analysis. It’s where the latest technology conversations are taking place. /. is “News for Nerds. Stuff that Matters.”
Global Audience
3.5M monthly visitors
34.6M monthly page views
120K user comments per month

Job Title
Information Technology | 81% |
Ops/Engineering | 16% |
HR/Finance/Sales | 14% |
EDU/Medical | 11% |
Decision Maker/Mgt. | 42% |
Influencer/Non-Mgt. | 36% |
C-Suite | 21% |
Company Size
5,000+ | 34% |
1,000 – 4,999 | 14% |
200 – 999 | 24% |
1-199 | 28% |
Linux Journal has been a fixture in the global Linux community since 1994 delivering high-quality content to site viewers interested in SMB & enterprise commercial and open-source software, IT services, and all technology related topics that are today and tomorrow’s Linux.
Global Audience
300K monthly visitors
500K+ monthly page views
High quality technology content since 1994
Massive Tech-Centric Audiences
For over 20 years we’ve been educating & connecting millions of business technology buyers and sellers. Contact us today and see how we can help you fuel pipeline, connect with more buyers, and grow your business.

30 Million
Site Viewers

120 Million
Page Views

60 Million

9 Billion
Intent Signals

14 Thousand
Tech Installs Tracked

100 Million
B2B Buyer Database

VOIPReview.org is the authority in Voice Over IP phone service information and buying resources. VoipReview is an in-depth buying guide featuring comparisons and insight on the world’s best business and residential VoIP providers, SIP trunk carriers, unified communications, and more.

Wirefly is the leading resource on the web for comparing cell phone plans, smartphones, VoIP, internet plans, TV, satellite, and more. Wirefly uses a custom-built comprehensive comparison engine to help consumers and businesses save money. Wirefly was created in 2003.

MyRatePlan uses interactive technology to help consumers make informed purchase decisions about essential household services. MyRatePlan has been prominently mentioned in media as a useful resource helping consumers find “The Right Service at the Right Price” and recognized by PCMag in their Top 100.
Decades of Continuous Innovation and Serving Clients with Excellence
Our brands and premium content deliver continuous value to our loyal site viewers. Our technology and integrated demand generation solutions fuel pipeline and sales growth for clients.
Get in Touch Today!
We'd love to answer any questions, run through a quick product demo, or show you how our integrated demand gen solutions can help fuel your sales and marketing pipeline.
Corporate Office
Slashdot Media
225 Broadway Suite 1600
San Diego, CA 92101
Mailing Address
Slashdot Media
PO Box 12190
La Jolla, CA 92112
General Inquiries:
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Sales & Marketing:
+1-858-454-5900 x 20501
+1-858-454-5900 x 20501
+1-858-454-5900 x 10804 (pr “at” slashdotmedia.com)
+1-858-454-5900 x 20501